I have found myself having this conversation a lot lately and noticing that there are different ideas and descriptions of whether a parent is “strict” or not.
Are you a strict parent?
In the past, the term “strict” generally referred to parents who used such parenting techniques as spanking, isolation, yelling and punitive punishment.
Because of this, a lot of parents who don’t want to use those techniques have turned to more permissive parenting thinking that if they are doing the opposite of “strict” then they will have a happier, more loving family and therefore, happier, more loving children.
But what we have realized over the years, is that permissive parenting doesn’t necessarily create happier children. We have a generation of entitled children who don’t believe that there are rules to live by, because no rules were imposed on them when they were children.
I hear a lot of backlash of the permissive parenting movement with people saying that if they could only spank their children, then we would all be a lot better off.
But the key word here is “strict” and not spanking.
These days “strict” can be synonymous with “consistent“. It can be very loving. It can be empathetic, but it needs to follow through.
The argument that someone is strict because they are harsh is outdated and the argument that children don’t thrive in strict households is also outdated.
Strict is loving.
Strict doesn’t have to be harsh.
Strict can involve kisses and ‘I love you’ as you give the consequence.
Strict isn’t wobbly.
Strict is firm.
Strict is comforting for children.
Strict is unwavering. It is always there.
Are you a strict parent?
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