If you are like me and have visited Pinterest for great parenting ideas, you have probably had the same impression I did, that children should be busy or entertained with activities pretty much all the time. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love to have fun activities with my kids but I also think it […]
If you are expecting another child or you already have multiple children, then you have two wishes for them: to be good friends and to not fight all the time. Good luck. However, there are several things you can do to facilitate a great relationship between them and fewer headaches for you. The most […]
Sometimes in life, we are just feeling a bit off. Often we know why- a bad day at work, car broke down, didn’t sleep well the night before; and sometimes we have no idea why we aren’t feeling that great. Sometimes it is just a “wrong-side-of-the-bed type of day.” This happens for kids and for […]
All children make mistakes. It is a part of growing up. A parent’s job is to teach children about making mistakes and what that means. Sometimes children get angry and lash out; it too is part of growing up. A parent’s job is also to work with children and their emotions and help them manage […]
If you haven’t heard, “It’s not fair!”, then you are lucky. Because it’s not fair. Fairness is a tricky word and if you have ever been a teacher in a classroom with 25 or more children, you know the difference between equity and equality. This is an important distinction with multiple children in your household […]
I know, this sounds completely counter-intuitive, but it works and here is why: Children want to find limits. They want to know what is right and what is wrong. So at some point in raising a child, you are going to say, “If you throw your food one more time, I will take your food […]
I talk a lot about tantrums, mostly because they are the center of toddler-hood, but also because they cause a lot of unwanted stress. So here are two things to never do during a tantrum: 1) Give in. 2) Get mad. Most likely in your journey as a parent, you are going to do both, […]
I just wrote a post on positive mind-sets after reading this article in the New York Times and it is so provocative that I still can’t stop thinking about it and all the implications. But it gets tricky when you change a couple of words to be more positive because we also know that praise […]
This article in the New York Times has been out for a couple of days but it really took me a while to read it because I know that mindset affects age. Everyone knows that. If you think you are younger, you’ll feel a little bit younger. What if Age is Nothing but a […]
“I know, it’s really hard.” That’s it. That’s all you have to say. We hear “I can’t” a million times a day and often during meltdowns or tantrums and it’s really quite simple. Just respond with, “yes, it is hard.” They may not actually be able to do what they are saying they can’t do […]