When children enter the toddler stage, they gain independence. This is hard for parents. This is hard for toddlers. They don’t know what independence is, so they have to experiment. “Do you want the bear or truck pajamas?’ “I want the monkey pajamas.” “The monkey pajamas are dirty. Do you want the bear […]
It is so hard sometimes to lay down the law and be consistent. I hear the words so tempting in my head, “Just this one time.” But it doesn’t work that way, you have to have one really really bad afternoon in exchange for a lot of great afternoons. Here’s how it works: You […]
I have found myself having this conversation a lot lately and noticing that there are different ideas and descriptions of whether a parent is “strict” or not. Are you a strict parent? In the past, the term “strict” generally referred to parents who used such parenting techniques as spanking, isolation, yelling and punitive punishment. Because of […]
Life is tough. Many days, I wish that someone would come and take away some of my challenges, but it never seems to happen. So why then, do we so often remove challenges from children’s lives? As a teacher, I was often in team situations where other teachers would remove challenges from their classroom, In fact, it […]
Children misbehave because they don’t feel secure. Children don’t feel secure for two reasons: 1) They don’t know what is expected of them 2) There is a big change in their life I know I’m simplifying a lot, but with all of the information out there, sometimes it is helpful to simplify. But I also […]
So it turns out I need a cat whisperer. After months and months of our cat waking us up every night to be let out, my husband had had enough. So I looked up online to see if there is anyway I can get the cat to stop waking us up. I really had […]
It’s not really. Taking turns and sharing are two different things but in the world of toddlers and parenthood, we need to put the focus on taking turns and take the pressure off of sharing. Let’s look at this from an adult point of view: Taking turns is: I’m using the computer right now and […]
I have news for you: toddlers tantrum. This is what they do. I have spoken about how to deal with tantrums before and I will talk about it again because it is a tough situation for parents with little ones. Children who are approximately 18 months to 4 years old are starting to develop independence. […]
We all know it, we have either been there, heard others talk of it, or are dreading the future inevitability of the two plus hour bedtime routine. It starts out with the parent in charge: Put your pajamas on. Brush your teeth. And then about 45 minutes in, the children take over: “One more story.” “Mom? […]
If you have children, you have chaos in your life. They turn our whole lives upside down even if (especially if) we prefer order in our lives. But here’s the thing: Children want and need order in their lives too. They need the same thing over and over and over in their lives. They […]