Positive Parenting

Problem solving skills are useful for a variety of reasons and can be brought out in any situation.  If bedtime isn’t working for you, your spouse, your children or your neighbor upstairs, then bring out your problem solving skills! First: what are the steps to problem solving? Name the problem Come up with some solutions […]

I made this with my students at school and they loved it too- so it is kid-tested by many picky eaters. The secret: honey! I made step-by-step cards for my students and the boys used those so if you have a bit of extra time to make cards that show each step then you will […]

As soon as people find out that I’m a parent coach, the air around us changes.  There’s this expectation that my children are perfect children.  Why is this career the only one where this is assumed?  Do mechanics drive cars that break down?  Do doctors get colds and other illnesses?  Do the people at smartphone […]

Have you seen this video about failure? It changes your whole perspective on how to deal with failing.  We have been asking our kids about their failures for about a year now and the other day one of my boys fell pretty hard on his bike when he was trying something new.  After crying for […]

Even if you don’t have kids or ever thought of having kids, you have still heard of the “terrible twos” which has now expanded into the “threenager” and the “F- you fours”.    I love all of these descriptions because it really helps parents navigate these ages and it says, “You are not alone.”  “These […]

As very young children get older, they start to become more independent.  But there are two things working against that independence. 1) They don’t fully understand all the implications of independence, (i.e. responsibility, safety and sometimes independence is scary) 2) We aren’t always ready to give them independence because they are still our babies. Because […]

My favorite word is “overwhelmed” and I use it all the time. I think it does two things: It really sums up parenthood It teaches kids about emotions and empathy I see parents trying to hide their emotions all the time.  I see mom’s apologizing for crying when there is nothing wrong for using tears […]


The concept is simple enough- get outside every day.  Sounds too simple right? But the actual task is quite difficult (daunting even) many, many days. When I was pregnant, I worried a bit about postpartum depression and the best advice I heard about beating the blues was to get outside everyday.  Even if it was […]

This was the exact question that I got asked yesterday and I love this question!  Unfortunately it isn’t a short yes or no answer, but there is some concrete information out there that can really help parents.  But there are also a lot of emotions out there that can really complicate this topic. So the […]

Oh my goodness. If you haven’t seen this book yet, go check it out. The Little Tree by Loren Long is about a tree that wants to hold on to its leaves. There are a lot of things that we want to hold on to and it shows up in our bodies in a not […]