Saying “no” to our children is a hard thing to do, because the child doesn’t want to hear it and a tantrum will result later. Tantrums have built themselves a bad reputation, and I have spoken earlier about avoiding tantrums; but they can be a learning opportunity. A child who never tantrums, never learns. A […]
Parenting was intuitive many many years ago. In fact, the word parenting didn’t exist because it wasn’t a “thing”; it just happened. People didn’t have discussions about parenting or whether what they were doing was right or wrong. They just did. Nowadays, parenting is no longer intuitive, although many people will argue against that. But […]
A common trap that parents fall into is “tricking” the child to get through a difficult situation. It is so easy to say, “we can do that when we get home” just to get a child to make a transition, knowing full well that the child will forget on the way home and you won’t […]
Your child is at the precipice of a tantrum and you have a great tool at your disposal: give them a choice. Many parents are aware of the benefits of offering your child choices, but not everyone is sure how to do it, or has all of the tools to have it go smoothly. […]
Ask any teacher about which families regularly attend parent workshops and they will always say, “the ones that don’t need to.” It could be said (and often is said) that the irony of these parent workshops is that the families who need the information the least are the most likely to attend. But there isn’t […]
If you break it down, there are really only three rules for living: *Take care of yourself *Take care of others *Take care of your environment (the things around you) Any transgression can fall into one of these three rules. Your child is grabbing the cat’s tail? No- because we take care of others. Your […]
Bed time not working? Problem solve! Leaving the house takes forever? Problem solve! Kids want the same toy? Problem solve! You don’t have enough snack? Problem solve! Problem solving is an essential skill for life so how young can a child learn this skill and how in the world do we teach it? Amazingly enough, […]
Parents fall into traps all the time. Unfortunately, it is part of parenting. This is an easy trap to get out of and possibly one of the most important ones. Have you ever caught yourself saying the following in front of your kids? “He’s my difficult kid.” “She won’t eat anything.” “He never listens.” “I […]
Temper tantrums can be a parent’s nightmare as well as an essential learning opportunity for toddlers. Erik Erikson wrote about the different developmental stages that we go through in life. He said that for children 1 1/2 to 3 years of age, they are in the “Autonomy versus Shame or Doubt” stage. So, each child […]