We can help with behavior

Is your child being difficult? Do you suffer from the “terrible twos” or the “torrential threes” and so on... Know that there is help out there and that each stage of a child’s development is a wondrous not torturous time.

We can help with sleep

Sleep is essential to life and positive family dynamics. Learn how to help your child sleep better.

We can help with picky eaters

With little changes, you can help your child to be a lifelong good eater.

First Consultation is free

Let's see if we are a good fit. The first consultation is 20-30 minutes by phone and is free so contact us today

We can come to you

We do home visits so if you aren't sure about your bedtime routine, or if you want me to see how things are currently being done and what we can tweak, contact us today

People love us

To read what others have to say, visit our testimonials

It Takes a Village and a Vineyard...

Every Wednesday at 6:15 in the evening we can get together and celebrate parenthood. Our next event is in the works!

What is parent coaching?

Parent coaching is supporting parents in their job of taking care of their children. A coach is someone who can reassure parents that they are doing the right thing, give suggestions and ideas based on expert's research while understanding that all families and children are different and unique. A parent coach isn’t that much different from a sports coach. A professional athlete may know just about everything that there is to know about their sport, but they still benefit enormously from having a coach. A coach can give them a different perspective, offer encouragement, change routine as well as push them to the next level. A parent coach does just that, but in the realm of parenting and parent-child relationships.

The earliest years are the most important years for shaping a child’s life; grab onto this opportunity!

Resources and Articles

Maybe you have heard of natural consequences or maybe this is the first time that you have heard that term. Either way, natural consequences are a very effective way to teach our children. Children act up, that is their job. They need to know what is expected of them and the only way to find […]

A big part of parenting is the question of control and who has it.  The two extremes of parenting are authoritarian parenting where the parent has complete control and permissive parenting where the child has complete control. Most parents have a goal to fall somewhere in the middle; sharing control. If I had to guess, […]

This question was asked last week and I had to smile because it is the best question I have ever heard.   I feel like this question sums up parenting in a nutshell.  What is the line between holding a limit and being firm versus letting things go and not stressing about everything? Unfortunately for all […]

Every day feels like a power struggle.  Every day, you tell your kid to do something and no matter what, they refuse.  They scream.  They tantrum. This is a common scenario.  You won’t see it happen in other families because it usually happens at home so you feel like you are the only one going […]

Your kid is yelling at you and every thing you try to say just makes things worse.  Before you know it, you are yelling back just as much and the whole situation has dissolved into a horrible horrible day. This situation is quite common although you won’t think it is common because this type of […]

When we wake up in the morning, we aren’t thinking, “Hey, I’d love to pay the bills today!”  Same thing with toddlers.  They aren’t consciously thinking, “Hey, I’m gonna scream for 20 minutes today to get my way!” But just like paying the bills is our job, throwing a tantrum is a toddler’s job.  They […]